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Year 2

English: The children will be working on a narrative piece of writing centred around the story of ‘Hansel and Gretel’. Alongside spelling we will be focussing on the following in our daily lessons:

Expanded noun phrases to describe and specify; Using past and present tense correctly and consistently; Use co-ordination (or/and/but); Use subordination (when/if/that/because); Adding suffixes to spell some words correctly in their writing (-ment, -ness, -ful, -less, -ly); Use a full range of punctuation (‘,.!?).

Maths: This term your child will solve multiplication and division problems using the 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. They will use the 'x' , '÷ ' and '=' symbols to record calculations. Please continue to play TTRockstars at home to support your child to recall their multiplication and division facts.

RE: In RE the children will continue to learn about Judaism. They will learn how the Jewish community prepares for and celebrates Shabbat and listen and respond to stories from the Jewish Bible (Tanakh). We will also be learning about Chinese New Year which this year takes place on Sunday 22nd January 2023. It is the year of the Rabbit.

Art: In Art the children will continue to learn about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers. Describing the differences and similarities between different practises and disciplines and making links to their own work. One of the artists we will continue to study this half term is the English painter J.M.W Turner, who specialised in watercolour landscapes.

DT: In Design and Technology, the children will learn about safety and hygiene in the kitchen. What does it mean to be hygienic? In addition, the children will understand where food comes from and use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.

History: In History the children will learn about the history of Bletchley and explore how things have changed and what might have caused these changes to happen. We will be looking at photos of different buildings from past and present around Bletchley and MK and explore why they are different (purpose, materials available etc. To be able to explain how the local area was different in the past we will be looking at map of before and after MK was built. Was Bletchley more isolated? Where did they do their shopping etc. What impact did the supermarkets and shopping mall have once built?