Contact Information
Rickley Park Primary School
Rickley Lane
Milton Keynes
MK3 6EW 01908 372979
Download an application form –Â Initial Nursery Application Form
Nursery Terms and conditions –Nursery Terms and Conditions
Cool Milk registration form –Â cool-milk
Our Nursery ethos
We believe passionately that each child, with differing needs, family backgrounds and interests, should be loved and supported as they grow.
We know that children will thrive best in their learning if they feel emotionally secure, so we work very hard to promote warm friendships with staff and other children and to offer plenty of creative opportunities to learn through play. If children are happy they will want to explore the environment on offer to them. We build in boundaries that fit in with the rest of the school such as being responsible for our nursery, respectful of each other and our equipment and to be safe by for example walking indoors.
Children should embrace their surrounding environment so we take children for walks in the school grounds, have snack in nice weather at the story logs, visit places such as Howe Park Woods, Thrift Farm or Frosts Garden centre. The environment is used as another ‘teacher’ set out in a holistic and heuristic way. We make sure our outside area is as inviting as inside and allow our children to free flow between both areas. We use photos, real items such as magnets and observe our children exploring, allowing mistakes which makes them resilient but in turn feeds their creativity, imagination and emotional intelligence.
Age three and four – 15 hours free childcare
- For all families in England, with three and four year old children
- 15 hours of free childcare (570 hours per year) for 38 weeks per year.
- To apply, complete the above application form
When can my child start?
Funding is available from the term after your child’s third birthday, see table below:
1 January – 31 March            start summer term on or after 1 April
1 April – 31 August              start autumn term on or after 1 September
1 September – 31 December     start spring term on or after the 1 January
For more information about the 30 hours funding, please click the link below: