Year Group Information
Summer Term Learning
Foundation - Mrs Cole, Mrs Whitley, Mrs Sanders, Mr Norman & Mr Page
In Drawing Club, our Literacy texts this half term will include the retelling of traditional tales such as the Three Little Pigs and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We will also use animations to inspire writing such as Popeye and Captain Pugwash. In Phonics we will continue to consolidate and learn our set 2 sounds and use these in our independent reading and writing.
In Maths this half term, we will be consolidating and deepening our knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond as well as recapping number bonds and doubling facts to 10. We will be learning about odds, evens, halves and learning to share and group different amounts equally. We will continue to solve simple addition and subtraction number problems, using real life objects to support this. We will make this more exciting and relevant to the children by using food items, such as berries, to create real life mathematical problems for them to solve.
In Foundation this half term we will be finding out about Seaside and holidays. We hope to explore what lives in the ocean and how to keep ourselves safe in the sun. We will also start thinking about moving up to Year One and have visits to the Year One classrooms to familiarise ourselves. Please continue to support your child’s learning at home by reading daily and commenting in your child’s reading diary.
Summer Term Learning
Year One - Mrs Bushnell-Varney, Mrs Ridley, Miss Boothroyd, Mrs Goble and Miss Miles
English - In English we will begin by exploring the past tense and will be learning the story of The Last Wolf by Minnie Grey. The children will be writing their own hunting story. We will continue to use our phonics knowledge to write independently and will work to secure basic grammar and punctuation in preparation for Year Two.
Maths - This term, we will continue to recap the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. We will learn about fractions (focusing on halves and quarters), the place value of numbers up to 100 (focusing on counting forwards and backwards to 100, find one more and one less and comparing the tens and ones in different numbers) and time (focusing on months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds and how to tell the time). This term, we will also have several fun Maths themed afternoons where we will focus on specific concepts linking to mass, volume, money and ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and last).
Science - In Science we will continue to learn about plants! We will continue to learn about evergreen trees, deciduous trees and wild / common flowers found in the UK. This term, our Science will have a cross-curricular link with RSHE, where we will learn about sun care, allergies and hydration.
Geography - In Geography, we will explore a variety of maps and learn that a map is a picture or drawing of an area of land or sea that can show human and physical features. After exploring what physical features and human features are, we will then create our own map that will include a range of symbols and a key. Finally, we will use positional language directional language to follow a map and describe a specific route.
Computing - In computing, we will build upon our knowledge of algorithms to plan and make a computer program. This term, the Year One children will also be allocated an ipad for them to use at school, therefore we will also be allocating some time to learn how to use the ipad effectively as a learning tool.
Summer Term Learning
Year Two - Mr Ainscow, Miss Kavanagh, Miss Couzens & Miss Simmonds
English - In English, we will continue to read 'The King Who Banned the Dark’. We will then write our own narrative on something that we would like to ban!
Maths - We will be building on our knowledge of the four main operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will use these operations to solve the answers to two step word problems.
Computing - In our computing lessons, we will learn how to search effectively for a range of different purposes.
RSHE – In our RSHE lessons, we will focus on our transition into KS2. We will learn about our own roles and responsibilities in our new classroom.
Science – In science, we will continue to learn about plants and what a plant needs to grow and stay healthy. We will investigate what will happen if seeds and bulbs do not have all the right conditions to grow in and will record our results within our science books.
Summer Term Learning
Year Three - Mrs Smith, Mrs Williams, Miss Jones & Mrs Oram
During our final half term with year 3, we will continue to learn and develop all the skills we have gained this year.
In Summer 2 for maths, we will start by counting in pounds and pence, comparing amounts of money and finding change before moving onto our time unit which will include telling the time by 5 minutes and converting analogue to digital. We will finish the year with shapes, being able to compare 2D and 3D shapes, comparing and drawing angles and understand the difference between parallel and perpendicular lines.
In English this term, our fiction unit of writing will be based on the story 'The Secret Of Black Rock'. We will also be writing a ‘lost’ narrative based on the story ‘Into the forest’ by Anthony Brown. We will continue to build upon our grammatical skills and expand our vocabulary.
In non-core, our learning will be based around our key theme of 'I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside'. In Science, we will be learning all about rocks; the different types of rocks, how soil is formed, how fossils are formed and learning about Mary Anning. Geography will be all about learning about fieldwork. We will be looking at block printing in Art and having a go at making our own!
Well done for all your hard work this year, year 3!
Summer Term Learning
Year Four - Miss Rutherford, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Sheikh & Mrs Turp
In maths this final term, we have been focusing heavily on times tables fluency. We begin the term completing the year 4 Multiplication Tables Check. We then move onto shape, statistics and position and direction to end the year.
In English, Year 4 are focusing on the text “The Journey” by Francesca Sanna. We will be writing our own narrative and diary entry based on this book. This text is based on the sensitive topic of refugees and their journey so we will be covering some RSHE discussion around this too. In Reading, the year group will be exploring "One Dog and His Boy”, “The Accidental Diary of B.U.G” and “The Girl Who Stole an Elephant”.
In geography the children will be exploring landscapes, including a local walk to see our local landscape. In Science, the children will be looking at Electricity and how we use this in our everyday lives ending with a project creating an item that has a complete working circuit.
Summer Term Learning
Year Five - Miss Pickup, Mrs Chilton, Miss Thomson & Mrs Rayner
During our last term in Year 5, we are focusing on ‘Grammar Place Value’. This will breakdown the English language to deeply understand the idea of words and sentences. Afterwards, the children will show their deeper understanding through a creative write. In Reading, we are focusing on texts surrounding the Windrush generation, linking to a key piece of History. They will be reading books such as ‘The story of the Windrush’ and ‘Coming to England’.
During the final Year 5 term, the children will be exploring a range of mathematical concepts: negative numbers, converting units and volume. This will allow them to make connections with previous learning and continue to prepare them for Year 6.
Year 5 are learning about the physical and human features of Rickley Park in Geography. This will include a walk around our local park and creating a report on how we can improve Rickley Park. In Science, the children will be learning about materials and making connections to their everyday lives. Furthermore, during our RSHE lessons we will be working on our well-being and begin the transition to Year 6. This will be supported through our computing lessons where the children will be developing their understanding of note-taking through concept mapping and their ability to effectively research topics – a crucial skill as they get older.
Summer Term Learning
Year Six - Miss Chandler, Mrs Bull, Mrs Downs, Mrs Borah and Mrs Pretorius
We are continuing to explore geometry and position along with shape. We will be preparing the children for KS3 mathematics. They will be consolidating their knowledge and participating in a range of mathematical investigations.
In reading we are focusing on transition experiences with books centred around moving to secondary. We will also be addressing questions and worries that the children have at this important time. In English we will be working on stamina and writing independently at length as well as note- taking skills, to prepare for KS3 lessons.
In Science, we are investigating how we can classify plants and animals. We will be pattern seeking and making connections to support our classification.