outdoor 2

Year 6

In maths this term, we will complete our fractions unit and move on to measurement where we will use prior learning to solve problems giving a unit of measure in our answers. Next, we will study ratio which will link closely to our fractions work.

In reading, we are covering fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts and making sure we answer the question that is asked - not always as easy as it seems! In writing we are focusing on description and ensuring we use dialogue effectively. We will be working very hard on our editing skills and on spelling.

In history we are learning about the outbreak of World War 2 then considering the events from a child's point of view with a particular focus on the effects on buildings and society.

Science is all about Electricity this term! As well as understanding the parts of a functioning circuit, we will have the opportunity to study the history of electricity and who the main influencers are in this area.