
Year 1

In English we will be looking at books by Oliver Jeffers. The children will learn to write their own version of Lost and Found and The Way Back Home. We will also be exploring the past tense and will write recounts about familiar events. The children will use their phonics knowledge to support their independent writing with an emphasis on capital letters and full stops.

In Maths this term, we will be learning about a range of different shapes. We will learn the names of various 2-D and 3-D shapes, we will sort these shapes in a variety of ways and we will create out own 2-D and 3-D shape patterns. We will then progress onto deepening & consolidating our place value knowledge within 20, where we will compare and order different numbers, recall 1 more and 1 less and use number lines.

In History we will be learning to understand about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. We will look at the lives and achievements of Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and will be learning about why they are so important.

In Music we will use our voices expressively and creatively by singing songs, speaking chants and learning rhymes. We will play tuned and untuned musical instruments and experiment with sounds.

In Computing we will be continuing to learn how to stay safe online and explore the various tools and programs on Purple Mash.

In RE we will be learning the beliefs and practices within Christianity through the themes of belonging, believing, and behaving. We will order some religious events and will explore a variety of religious texts.

In Science, we will be identifying and sorting a range of everyday items made from different materials including: wood, paper, glass, fabric, stone and plastic. We will also be investigating a range of different material properties including: magnetic & non-magnetic, waterproof & non-waterproof, stretchy & stiff and opaque & transparent. We will continue to observe the seasonal changes and the weather associated within each season.

In computing we will be continuing to learn how to stay safe online and explore the various tools and programs on Purple Mash. This term, we will also use our computing skills and Purple Mash during our D.T lessons, where we will be designing and making various creations, including a mode of transport.